September 9-13, 2024 – candidate enrollment

September 16-17, 2024 – data processing

September 18, 2024 – announcement of results


Eligible candidates who may enroll for admission to the DIDFR master degree part-time study program are university graduates who hold a bachelor’s degree diploma. Other eligible candidates are citizens of the European Community member states, citizens of the European Economic Space member states as well as members of the Swiss Confederation, all under the same legal conditions as the Romanian citizens, including school fees and taxes. Recognition of their studies originating abroad will be done by the specialized department within MENCS (Romanian Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research) before candidate enrollment. Each candidate must present legal proof of studies recognized by MENSC at the time of enrollment.


Candidate registration can be done at the AMGD D.I.D.F.R. headquarters and requires the following documents:

1. Enrollment Application, fully completed and signed;

2. Admission Fee proof of payment. Note: Employees of the Music Academy and their children as well as the children of the Music Academy staff (currently employed, retired or deceased) are exempt only from paying the admission fee (for only one major) and must have documents to verify their status;

3. Bachelor’s Degree diploma and academic transcripts (certified copy);

4. Birth Certificate (legalized copy); Marriage Certificate (certified copy);

5. Standard Medical Certificate;

6. Two ID-type pictures;

7. Proof of Student Status certificate (for students who enroll in a second major);

8. Work certificate;

9. ID copy.

Candidate enrollment takes place at DIDFR main office within AMGD, str. Ion I.C.Brătianu, nr.25.

Information at telephone 0264 591241 / 189 Mon – Fri between 10:00 – 12:00 or at

Organization and Management Methodology for the Part-time master Degree Study Program Admission Exam